Getting Motivated in the New Year

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season has come to a close, and as cold as it is outside, it's a great time of year to do some work inside the house.  But what if you're having trouble with where to start?  Sometimes taking the very first step can be the hardest part.  So here's a few tips I like to use with clients - and with myself - to get to work.

Define your goals.  Not exactly talking about New Year's resolutions, which are hard to keep up with.  But I am a big fan of setting goals year round.  How can you work towards something without knowing what you are striving for in the first place?

Set priorities.  Sure we might want it all, but is it possible to accomplish everything on your list simultaneously?  Timing, budget, and other factors typically force us to make some tough decisions.  Prioritizing helps to tackle one project or goal at a time, instead of facing a bottleneck of too much at once.

Establish routines.  Keep things in line by setting up routines.  For example if you decide to put a hall tree in your garage, make sure to help the family get in the habit of hanging coats and taking off shoes before entering the house.  

Declutter your calendar.  Don't stop at the physical clutter in your home!  If you're short on time, consider ways to cut down on things that waste it.  Try a grocery delivery service, limit kids activities, or research some new crock pot recipes to cut down on dinner prep!

Put things to good use.  If not by you, then by someone else!  Donations of food and clothing really ramp up during the holiday season, but why not keep it going year round.  When going through a cramped storage space, think about whether or not you really do have a use for each item.  If it's just collecting dust, it can help to remind yourself that there is almost always someone out there who does have a need for it, and can put it to good use!