Occupied Homes: How to live in your home while it’s on the market

Preparing your home for sale can be a daunting task.  All of a sudden you're looking around with fresh eyes and a different perspective - that of a potential buyer.  The tiniest of flaws you once overlooked, now need to be addressed and repaired.  That list of projects you were going to get around to one day, now needs to get completed, and fast.  Any extra clutter or furnishings need to be packed up and stored.  This can add up to be a lot of work for any home seller.  But if you haven't already settled on your new home, here are some tips on how to live life in your picture perfect property.  

Pack up all the non-essentials.  It's so much easier to keep a clean home when there is less stuff in it.  And for a home on the market, we are talking A LOT less stuff.  Portable storage units are a great resource to pack at your own pace and have it taken away.

Stay on top of the housework.  Keep running that dishwasher and emptying it regularly.  You don't want a sink full of dirty dishes and nowhere to put them when you have a last minute showing scheduled.  Consider compiling all the household laundry into one basket.  As soon as you have enough to wash, throw it in!  Especially if your home is tight on space, it's easier to keep up with the laundry when you don't have multiple loads to do at once.

Get the kids involved.  It's likely that many of their toys, extra stuffed animals, and books will be packed up in advance.  Keep them in the loop by letting them pack a bag of their favorite things to keep in their room.  One basket can be used to quickly straighten up if need be, all the toys and books can be thrown in there and slid under the bed or at the bottom of the closet.

Clear out a closet area to stow pet items.  When you're leaving the house for showings and bringing your pets, make sure to create an empty space in a nearby closet or cabinet to store their things.  This makes it easy to bring their dog bed or food & water bowls in and out.

Keep a showing checklist.  With so many things to tidy up and have in place, it can be difficult to remember everything before leaving the house in the morning.  Keeping a checklist of what to do each day helps to make sure everything is in showing condition.

Get help if you need it.  You can only be in one place at one time.  Prioritize what you are able to take care of, and what you need to get help with.  Make a list for a handyman to tackle some projects for you.  Hire a cleaning service.  Give us a call to help with packing up and staging your home.  Enlist family and friends to help and order pizzas!

Feel free to share these tips with someone who is putting their house on the market this spring.  It's a lot to keep up with, but with a plan in place it can be done!